As you grow your business and design the life you dream, in the of personal and professional development world, there exists a state of mastery known as unconscious competence—an elusive level where our skills and knowledge are so deeply ingrained that they become second nature. In this state, we operate with effortless proficiency, executing tasks without conscious thought. Yet, the journey to unconscious competence is not merely one of skill acquisition but of deliberate practice and relentless action.

The easy way to explain unconscious competence is being really good at something without even having to think about it. It’s like when you can tie your shoes without looking because you’ve done it so many times. That’s the highest level of skill.

When working with my clients, one of the most difficult challenges they have is to create deliberate action which then leads to a new habit and new successes. Once we acquire a skill and practice it repeatedly, it does become a habit. However, it is important to recognize there could be habits already in place that is preventing the desired success in the first place. That must be addressed before any growth towards a new habit takes place.

The block that is in the way of creating a new habit; usually a limiting belief based on a decision made long before the thought of being a business owner or entrepreneur ever took place.

Sonja knew her business used an immense amount of energy and that her health had begun playing a role in her inability to sustain the twelve-hour days that were required as she started her latest venture. One of the biggest challenges she faced was she needed to lose weight and had tried every diet under the sun. Yet, here she was, feeling like a failure when it came to her health.

Sonja sought help with a health and mindset coach and quickly discovered she had (unconsciously) decided as a little girl that she had to be big.

It was all a misunderstanding of her little six-year-old brain. Her parents were divorcing and every time she asked her mother why they were getting a divorce, her mom would tell her that when she was a big girl, she would explain it to her.

In Sonja’s mind, she received quite literally, that she needed to be big to understand her parents’ separation!

You might think as an adult that is absurd. However, to a young child of six, the mind stores information deep inside our unconscious mind in this very way.

I can pretty much guarantee what is holding you back from success, it a deeply unconscious decision you made as a child. I see it all the time and hear stories about the thoughts and beliefs that the person has taken on when they discover that it is mind chatter from years, even decades ago, they make the connection.

Understanding Unconscious Competence

Unconscious competence is the highest level of mastery, where our expertise is so deeply internalized that it operates on autopilot. At this stage, we perform tasks with ease and precision, often without conscious awareness of how or why we do so. It’s akin to riding a bike or typing on a keyboard—actions that have become ingrained in our muscle memory through repeated practice and refinement.

The Paradox of Mastery

While unconscious competence represents the pinnacle of skill mastery, it also poses a paradoxical challenge: when you get good at something, you kind of forget how you learned it in the first place, it becomes automatic. And that can make it hard to teach that skill to others, because the steps aren’t fresh in your mind anymore.

This phenomenon, known as the “unconscious incompetence,” highlights the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning in our journey towards mastery. Sonja’s story is an example of self-awareness first, then self-reflection, and now new behaviors.

It’s like if your mom was an amazing cook and couldn’t really explain the recipe because she just does it without thinking. That’s the “paradoxical challenge” – being so skilled that you struggle to break it down for beginners.

Does this make sense? Becoming an expert is awesome and can also create this little hurdle when you want to pass that expertise on to someone else. It’s like you must re-learn it yourself first.


Bridging the Gap: From Unconscious Competence to Action

The transition from unconscious competence to action requires a deliberate shift in mindset—one that emphasizes intentionality, purpose, and a commitment to excellence. It’s not enough to possess skills; we must actively apply them in pursuit of our goals and aspirations. This requires a willingness to step out of our comfort zone, to embrace challenges, and to continually seek opportunities for growth and improvement.

Using Sonja as our example, she hired her health and mindset coach to keep her out of her comfort zone, keep her accountable, and give her feedback for improvement.

The Mastery of Action

At its core, the mastery of action is about translating our unconscious competence into tangible results—the ability to leverage our skills and knowledge to achieve meaningful outcomes. It’s about taking decisive steps towards our goals, even in the face of uncertainty or adversity. Whether it’s leading a team, launching a business, or pursuing a passion project, the mastery of action requires a combination of confidence, courage, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Embracing Growth Through Action

To unleash the full potential of unconscious competence, we must embrace a mindset of continuous action and improvement. This means setting ambitious goals, taking calculated risks, and celebrating successes and learning from failures along the way. It’s about recognizing that mastery is not a destination but a journey—a journey marked by relentless action, unwavering determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.


Unconscious competence represents the pinnacle of mastery—a state where our skills and knowledge operate on autopilot, effortlessly guiding us towards success. Yet, true mastery is defined by our abilities and our willingness to act upon them. By embracing a mindset of continuous action and improvement, we unlock the full potential of our unconscious competence, paving the way for unprecedented growth, achievement, and fulfillment in our personal and professional lives.

To you continued growth and success!