What does success mean to you?

The Mindset for Unstoppable Success

Let me ask you first: what does success mean to you?

Do you know most people would answer what success IS NOT to them first?

That’s just the way our brains are wired – to focus on the negative first. We have somewhere between 60,000 –90,000 thoughts a day, studies show that 94% of them are focused on what we don’t want.
That’s why so many fail at business, personal life, finances, etc. They are so focused on what it is they do not want, that is what they create unknowingly!
The difference between those who gain unstoppable success and those who don’t is mindset.

Mindset is the mental attitude with which we approach something. It’s a collection of
thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions. Based on that, the decisions we make either move us forward or backward.

If you are serious about achieving success in any area of life, you must start to change your mindset and the really cool thing about changing your mindset is changes start immediately.

See, what we focus on grows. When you focus on positive thoughts, that leads to positive actions, which lead to positive outcomes. “Change your mind, change your life,” seems easy, doesn’t it? If that were true, every serious business owner, entrepreneur and professional would have the life of their dreams. Reality is,
we put limits on ourselves. We tell ourselves stories that aren’t true which result in limiting beliefs. We say it’s too late to learn a new skill or to grow our minds or start a new career. I could go on.

The truth of the matter is:

  • We all have the same hours in the day; the excuse of, “I don’t have time,” is just that: an excuse.
  • If there is a will, great talent and skills can be developed; “I can’t” is again, an excuse.
  • Start where you’re at. “I need more money to….” I would argue we all need more money. Begin where you’re at, be consistent, and show up. You’ll get there.

Success is 90% mindset, 10% action. When you take action with the wrong mindset, you repeat the cycle over and over again and expect different results. That’s pretty much the definition of insanity.

To reach your full potential, adopt a success mindset: healthy self-esteem, positive thoughts, face obstacles with confidence, healthier relationships, conquer goals, all of which are available to you. Sit back and enjoy the benefits.


All the success and empowerment be yours!