Most all of the articles on today’s blogs will most likely be talking about all the love around us:  spouses, children, family, and friends.  Mine article is focusing on “I love humanity!”

I would like to share a story of a completely (un)coincidental meeting.  As you know, I do not believe in coincidences.  Every day people are put in our paths to help, love, or guide us.  The question is, “Are we paying attention?”

My Son

Last year, when my son was serving in Afghanistan, I went to the post office to send him a care package.  While I was waiting in line, a young mom, pregnant and holding her little son on her hip, was trying to put tape on her package. It was quite the fiasco.  I offered my available hands which she gladly accepted.

As I was putting the tape on, we began talking and I noticed her package was going to Afghanistan.  I told her that my son was there as well.  She explained she was sending this to her cousin who was a pilot on the Apache helicopters.  I commented that maybe they would cross paths because of their prospective jobs.  I do not share what my son does for the Army, but it is a specialized position.  I did tell Olivia, though.  She then told me that her cousin’s best friend did the same work.

Stay with me!

Just because it is what we do, the next question I asked was what her cousin’s friends’ name was.  She told me, D. (not going to use his real name).  I was like, “are you for real?”  She looked at me like, “No way!”

“I know him; he is also a friend of my son!  As a matter of fact, I was at one of his course graduations!”

Olivia went on to say D. was from Central Illinois.  Really, how could this all be possible?  I quickly texted my husband and asked where D. was from.  He confirmed it:  Central Illinois!  He also said, “Remember, we met him, he graduated with our boy.”

That confirmed it.  We stood there and cried because of the crazy, wonderful moments that had just occurred.  It was very soothing to me for some reason; I assume it was like a soul sister who got “it.”

Last summer

Today at church, a young dad came out with his 15 month-old son who had enough of sitting still during the service.  Following behind him was his wife carrying a little 4 month-old baby boy.  I was talking about becoming a grandmother last summer and how awesome it is.  As I watched the 15 month-old walk, and fall, and get up again, the young mom looked at me with curious eyes.  She said I looked familiar.  I agreed, she did as well.

We figured it was that we go to the same church until my comment about becoming a GiGi.  She looked up and said, “You are the post office lady!”

I knew in that moment; this was the sweet Olivia I met so many months before!  She now had another baby boy. Olivia went on to explain she lost my business card I had given her and often thought about our conversation.  We could not believe it!


As we stood around talking, I immediately friended her on Facebook so that we would not lose contact again.  As the mass ended, Father (Fr) Don came out and said hello to them.  Fr. Don is a friend of mine, and as it turns out, them as well!  He just married them about a year ago.

I want to share a picture of Olivia and myself at church this weekend!  Isn’t she beautiful!  You don’t even know the half of it!  Her heart is even more beautiful!

So, pay attention whom it is God is putting in your path!  You do not want to miss the opportunity to have an amazing (un)coincidental meeting!

Have a wonderful day celebrating all the love that surrounds you!

Make today the best day ever!