I was having a conversation with a friend earlier today and a form of this question came up.  We started talking about the choices we make which often result in feelings of frustration and aggravation, mostly at ourselves.  We realized we make these choices ourselves.

Why?  Guilt.  The thought that of, “If not me, then who?” Believing we are the only ones who can.  I could go on; however, I am sure you get the point.  I left her with this thought:

Your no is someone else’s yes!  My friend decided she was going to borrow my statement and adopt as her own.

As I was researching some data on the blog question this week, I ran across this article by David Wolfe.  David Wolfe is a Health, Eco, Nutrition, and Natural Beauty Expert.  I decided to share it with you.  See if you can identify yourself in any of these signs:

Here are five signs you might be caring and giving just a little too much.

People Take Advantage of You

When you make a habit of putting the needs of others above your own needs, people are bound to notice. Your true friends won’t take advantage of your kindness, but your acquaintances will. People around you might start to expect you’ll always give in to whatever it is they want. Standing up for yourself doesn’t mean you have no sympathy for others. When you feel overwhelmed, unhappy, or you simply don’t agree with someone else, it’s OK to say no.

You Hide Your True Feelings

If you’re the only one who feels a certain way, you keep your opinion to yourself. You’re afraid of standing out in a group and disagreeing with what everyone else thinks because you’re worried they won’t like you if you voice your opinion. Caring too much about what others think of you will eventually drive you crazy. You can’t make everyone like you, no matter what you do. Be yourself, be kind, and the people in your life will like you for who you are.

You Put Everyone’s Needs Above Your Own

Only a truly selfless person is able to constantly put the needs of others above their own, but this can be the most draining aspect of being a kindhearted person. It makes it easier for others to use you to get ahead. Setting boundaries are extremely important. Make sure others don’t view your compassion as weakness.

You Don’t Spend Enough Time Taking Care of Yourself

When you devote all of your time to making sure others are happy, you might not have time left for yourself. Don’t let your schedule get so packed that there’s no room left to do the things you love. It’s just as important to give yourself love and attention as it is to care for others. In order to be happy and thrive, you need alone time to relax, breathe, practice your hobbies and recharge.

You Seem to Attract Needy People

Being overly nice and caring can have its downfalls, and needy people are one of them. Those who are needy or desperate often seek out someone they can use to get what they want. When someone is kind and compassionate, they may see it as an opportunity. Be careful not to become a doormat. Learn to help them without sacrificing your own happiness. When a situation is too much to handle, or someone is asking too much of you, learn how to step back and say no. Saying no isn’t mean or selfish – it’s often very necessary. The world needs people who are kind and compassionate but don’t let others take advantage of your selfless qualities.

Well said, Mr. Wolfe.  I identified with some of these signs.  I am going to work towards ensuring my own personal happiness by allowing my “NO” to be someone else’s “YES

Until next week … make today the best day ever!  (Thank you again, Mr. Wolfe)